Interested in joining our group or have a question?



To assist us in registering you, please register online below. New members are welcomed at any time, but registration closes this semester after Feb. 4 due to limited rehearsal time. Please speak with Artistic Director Sue Fedak if you are unable to attend the first 2 rehearsals.

*A completed registration form is required for all members new and old so the group can update their records.

PLEASE NOTE: For this season, Covid vaccinations and up to date boosters are strongly recommended.

Masks are optional and are welcome.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our musical community safe!

Rehearsals are held weekly on Tuesday nights, 7:00-8:30 PM

Membership cost per season is $50, plus the cost of music to be determined.

Located at the Clifton Park Senior Center

6 Clifton Common Blvd.

Clifton Park, NY  12065

For questions or general inquiries please fill out the below: